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#LeaveNoOneBehind Respectable Funeral Services


Leave No One Behind Respectable Funeral Services is the primary project of Human Rights Protection Group & MFP Federation. It is aimed at enabling respectable funerals for the departed souls of those belonging to extremely underprivileged families. As a matter of sad fact, there are several families in India (and other developing nations) who are unable to afford or arrange for a respectable last rites of their loved ones. At Human Rights Protection Group & MFP Federation, we believe that human rights must begin with respectable last rites. It is our goal to ensure no family in India is devoid of respectable last rites for its members. 

In 2017, Human Rights Protection Group & MFP Federation organised the first ever #LeaveNoOneBehind International Conclave on Human Rights, Community Welfare, Philanthropy & UN SDGs. Delegates from over a 100 countries registered for this International Human Rights Conclave. The Conclave was successful in ensuring activists, Ministers, MPs, Governors from different parts of the world agree that human rights must begin with last rites. Upon completion of the two day Conclave, we started pursuing the local administration for help in ensuring the poor get access to respectable last rites for their loved ones.

With the blessings of the Hon'ble Member of Parliament from Chandigarh, Smt. Kirron Kher, Human Rights Protection Group & MFP Federation has recently acquired a funeral/hearse vehicle cum ambulance under the MPLADS grant of the Government of India. This vehicle has been obtained primarily for the #LeaveNoOneBehind Respectable Funeral Services project. The project was formally launched on November 11, 2019. 

#LeaveNoOneBehind is a project designed to rely on community funding. Would you like to sponsor a respectable cremation or burial of an underprivileged soul? Please donate funds by clicking here

Alternatively, you could transfer funds into our back account, the details of which are:

Account Name: Human Rights Protection Group & MFP Federation

Account Number: 2919101003041

Bank: Canara Bank

Branch: Phase 10, Mohali

IFSC: CNRB0002919

Do you run an NGO or community service organisation? Are you a philanthropist? Do you want to partner with us for this project? Write to us at now!

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