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Project Scope: Pan India

Project Goal: Provide free and respectable funeral services to those who can't afford a decent funeral for their loved ones. Includes sponsorship for hearse vehicle, cremation/burial and religious ceremonies.

Project status: WIP - Corporate, Govt and individual financial assistance solicited.

Click here to DONATE NOW!

If you have the will and time to volunteer for our various on the ground public awareness campaigns, candle light vigils and other events, please click here to JOIN US NOW!

Are you a human rights activist who would like to join us? Are you someone who would like to play a more responsible role in your community by becoming our representative in your city or state? BECOME OUR MEMBER NOW!


Would you like to become our CSR partner? Would you like to partner with a grass roots organisation that has made a great impact in some of the biggest reversals of injustice in India? Would you like to participate in our community welfare activities and share the good karma with your employees? Email us at with your contact details and we'll get in touch with you.

For 11 years, this organisation was run as a philanthropic endeavour of its founder Prabhloch Singh. Now, we have decided to accept your love with open arms. Please help us help those who need it the most by donating generously. DONATE NOW!


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Twitter: @mfpIndia

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© 2006-2019 All Animal and Human Rights Reserved, Wrongs Reversed!

Website created in Public Interest!

This is not a government website. Will never be!

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