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What We Do!

Human Rights Protection Group & MFP Federation is a community welfare organisation and a pressure group. It is registered with the Government of India as a Section 8 NGO and is validated by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, NITI Aayog, NASSCOM Foundation & OnGood. 


It has fought and continues to fight for justice in cases where justice has been delayed and/or denied and has played a major role in Jessica Lal case, Arushi murder case, Capt. Sumit Kohli case, Nirbhaya case and is pursuing the ongoing Sippy Sidhu case.


One of it's main community welfare projects is the #LeaveNoOneBehind Respectable Funeral Services for the poor where the NGO aims at ensuring that the poor are able to respectfully arrange for the last rites of their loved ones.

Human Rights Protection Group & MFP Federation is also the organiser and curator of the #LeaveNoOneBehind International Conclave on Human Rights, Community Welfare, Philanthropy & UN SDGs.

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Account Name: Human Rights Protection Group & MFP Federation

Account Number: 2919101003041

Bank: Canara Bank

Branch: Phase 10, Mohali

IFSC: CNRB0002919

The organisation is primarily run as a philanthropic effort, from the personal savings of its founder, Prabhloch Singh. However, you may donate if you too want to make a difference! To donate online, please click here 

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We encourage you to get involved with us and stand up against human rights violations. Remember, if it can happen to someone else, it may happen to you tomorrow!

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Our mission is to make sure that justice is meted out to all irrespective of their position, power or economical background.


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Twitter: @mfpIndia

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© 2006-2019 All Animal and Human Rights Reserved, Wrongs Reversed!

Website created in Public Interest!

This is not a government website. Will never be!

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